Women's Resources of America

Jack Cola™ is involved in many community outreach programs that help provide for those less fortunate than others. One particular charity that Mr. Cola is very heavily involved in is the Women's Resources of America. This charity was created to help women who are victims of abusive relationships and those who were being stalked by a former lover.

This program is unique because it is apart of a cell phone recycling program that every major carrier (AT&T®, Verizon Wireless®, T-Mobile® and Sprint®) is involved with. What this partnership does is send refurbished and used phones to the charity and they are distributed to the women in the program. When woman are given a phone, they have the ability to dial 911 whenever they are in trouble.

Conditions of the phones are not important what is important is that they can be recycled and restored back to working order and given to these women who are in need of it. Often times when we get a new phone we either discard our old phones or put them away and they are never too be looked at again. Now you have a reason to let your old phones see the light again and they could potentially save some woman's life.

Often times women who are in an abusive relationship or have been abused leave and they don’t take anything with them let alone a device to communicate with. And if they find themselves in trouble it can cost them dearly if there is no one around to help or they cannot call for help. The initiative to participate in this charity is mainly about saving someones life and giving them a chance to survive and live another day.

There is also a global initiative as well, you never knew what to do with your phone after you finished using it and you didn’t want to throw it away. Now you have a place to send it to be properly recycled and taken care of. You can come away with two feelings, one of knowing you helped the environment and the other being you potentially saved someones life. John Colaiacovo™ or Jack Cola™ as he is commonly called chose this charity because he believes in giving back to the community in effort to help better someone elses life.